New Dynamic English, NDE 10A-1
NDE Join Us Every Day on VOA Jingle
Saly Lao Opening
NDE Opening
Saly: ;ymp5;u3vgv0=lgou[qfIPorklkva’dyf New Dynamic English.
NDE Opening
NDE MUSIC lead-in and then dips for voice over
Max (voice-over): Hi, I’m Max.
Kathy (voice-over): Hello. My name is Kathy.
Max and Kathy (voice-over): Welcome to New Dynamic English!
MUSIC up and then fade
Larry: New Dynamic English is a basic English language course and an introduction to American people and culture.
Today’s unit is “How Long Will You Stay In Washington?”
Saly: [qfIPo New Dynamic English gxao[qfIPorklkva’dyf0AorNo4komju
sq;0v’[qfIPo0v’gIqk,NoUc,jo “How Long Will You Stay In Washington?” cx;jk mjko9t1j6d5’;=-y’oU8=jwxvudfqoxko.fD [qfIPooU9tlvo.shr;dgIqkIh69ad;ymug;QkdjP;da[gsfdko.ovtok7qf 3fp.-h7e;jk “will” da[7e;jk “going to”. g-ajo.ox3pd Max is going to go to Boston next week. -jb’cx;jk vkmyf|hk Max 9twx Boston.
- a travel agent road’komjv’mjP;
Next week I’m going to Boston to attend my sister’s wedding. vkmyf|hk0hvp-ywx
c8j’’koohv’lk;0hvp1j6 Boston.
The flight was full. 4hk9tcx8k,38 gIqkd=9tcx,aogInv[yog8a, c8j7;k,\kpcmhM0v’,ao
c,jo xU\qf [=j,u[jvooa’gs^nvgrktltoAo-NxU[=jwfhD
There was space on the flight. 1j6.ogInv[yo,u[jvo1j6
Max: Hi, Kathy.
Kathy: You look happy.
Max: Yes, next week I’m going to Boston to attend my sister’s wedding.
Kathy: That sounds like fun.
Are you going to fly to Boston?
Max: Well, last week I tried to buy a ticket, but the flight was full.
Kathy: Oh, that’s too bad.
Max: It’s OK.
Yesterday my travel agent called me.
She told me that there was space on the flight.
Kathy: Great.
Max: Yes. I’m going to get the ticket tomorrow.
Kathy: Well, today’s guest is Henry Thornton, and he’s going to talk about his travel plans.
Max: Henry Thornton? He’s the businessman from Seattle.
Kathy: That’s right.
Let’s take a short break and then we’ll talk with Mr. Thornton.
Saly: 9kd[qflqomtok]ts;jk’ Max da[ Kathy mjumjkoskd=wfh2a’zjkowx mjkod=7n
-yIh6g|kt;jk vkmyf|hk Max -ywx.lD ]v’2a’vud9ad[kfg[yj’mjkoG cx;jk
Kathy: You look happy.
Max: Yes, next week I’m going to Boston to attend my sister’s wedding.
Saly: 7e;jk wedding, w e d d i n g, wedding, w e d d i n g, cx;jk dkoc8j’fv’ s^n
‘koc8j’fv’D leo;omju;jk That sounds like fun. cx;jk 7n-y,j;og|ktD
Language Focus. Next week I’m going to Boston.
Larry: Listen and repeat.
Saly: [afoUg-uosafvvdlP’D g-uo2a’7adM c]h;rtpkpk,safg;Qk.sh7n Larry.
Larry: Next week
Next week Max is going to Boston.
(pause for repeat)
Larry: Last week
Last week he tried to buy tickets.
(pause for repeat)
Larry: Yesterday
Yesterday his travel agent called him.
(pause for repeat)
Larry: Tomorrow
Tomorrow he’s going to get the tickets.
(pause for repeat)
Saly: mjko-ycxleo;o You look happy ;jk9aj’.fL cx9aj’-Ufu[=JmjkoG
g[yj’-q’g9Qk7n-yfu.9g|kt s^n;jk g9Qk7n,umjkmk’]hkg]u’g|kt d=;jkwfhhD [afoU
4hkgIqkgsaozh6.f,umjkmk’dq’dao0hk, gIqk9t;jk9aj’.fgxaorklkva’dyfL
x3pdfja’djk;d=9tc,jo You look unhappy. s^n;jk You look sad. d=;jkwfhhD
,NoUgvqkmj=oUdjvog|ktmjko g;]kgIqkr=hdaogmnjv|hk9jb’Ipo8=jD
NDE Closing