Functioning in Business, FIB 9E-8
FIB Opening
Saly: [qfIPo0v’gIqk,NoU9t0Bo8Qofh;p[qf3vh]q,xt9e;aoD
Larry: Business Dialog
Saly: [qf3vh]q,xt9e;ao
.o[qf3vh]q,xt9e;ao,NoU mjko9twfhpyo;jk Nathan Garcia 9kd[=iylaf Smith Medical Supplies, Inc., wxdko-hkD
g;]k]k;wxIvf3I’dko r=fu]k;wxr=h ok’ Helen McClure okp0v’]k;.
My train broke down in Oakland. cx;jkiqfw20hvp8kp1j6g,nv’ Oakland.
My cell phone didn’t work in the tunnel. cx;jk1j6.ov5[,q’ 3mitla[,n4n0hvp.-h[=jwfhD
Everything is under control. cx;jkm5dljy’m5d1jk’gxaoxqddt8y7;[75,wfhD
Eliz: Let’s listen to today’s Business Dialog.
Nathan Garcia of Smith Medical Supplies, comes to work late.
He meets his boss, Helen McClure, as he comes in.
SFX: office noises
Nathan: Helen, I’m really sorry that I’m so late.
My train broke down in Oakland.
Helen: That’s OK. It’s not a problem.
Nathan: We were stuck in a tunnel for forty-five minutes!
Helen: Oh, that’s terrible!
Nathan: Umm…. I apologize for not calling.
But my cell phone didn’t work in the tunnel.
Helen: Nathan, it’s perfectly all right.
You’re hardly ever late.
Harry is with Ms. Daniels explaining your proposal.
You can take over as soon as you are ready.
Nathan: It’ll just take me a couple of minutes.
Helen: Well, don’t hurry.
Everything is under control.
Saly: 7e;jk tunnel, t u n n e l, tunnel,
t u n n e l, tunnel, cx;jkv5[,q’ s^nsqomk’]vfr6
s^n]vfc,joE s^n]vf8bd8jk’M1j6.og,nv’g-ajo]k’iqfw2
. 8hfyo faj’oUgxao8QoD g-uo2a’ Nathan .-h 7eg;Qk7eoU
Nathan: Umm…. I apologize for not calling. But my cell phone didn’t work in the tunnel.
Saly: .ox3pdmjumjkoskd=wfh2a’zjkowx Nathan wfhdjk;7e
Focus on Functions: Apologizing
Larry: Focus on Functions: Apologizing
Saly: dkograj’g]a’.lj|hkmju0v’rklkD le]a[|hkmju0v’rklk,NoUgIqk9tg;Qkdaogijnv’dko0=3mfD
Larry: Listen and Repeat.
Saly: vaofa[8=jwxg-uo8A’.92a’c8j]tx3pd7adM c]h;rtpkpk,safg;Qk8k,sa^’.sh7n Larry da[ Eliz.
Larry: I’m really sorry that I’m so late.
(pause for repeat)
Eliz: That’s OK.
(pause for repeat)
Eliz: It’s not a problem.
(pause for repeat)
Larry: I apologize for not calling.
(pause for repeat)
Eliz: It’s perfectly all right.
(pause for repeat)
]v'la'gdfg['x3pdoUmjkoG I'm really sorry that I'm so late.
0hvp0=3mf mju0hvp,k-hks^kpD mjkowfhpyo7e;jk that, t h a t [=jL oAocs^Ht 7n7e;jkmju mju0hvp,k-hkD I’m really sorry that I’m so late. 0hvp0=3mfs^kpM mju0hvp,k-hkcmh-hk;jkD