IRAQ: Iraqi officials say three bombs have exploded in Baghdad, killing nine people and wounding several others. In one attack today (Sunday) in the capital, a roadside bomb killed three bystanders as a U.S. military patrol drove through southern Baghdad's Dora district. Another roadside bomb exploded near an Iraqi police patrol in eastern Baghdad, killing three people. A car bomb also killed three people outside a provincial council building in the city center. Meanwhile, the U.S. military says coalition forces killed a suspected terrorist today (Sunday) in the northern Iraqi city of Mosul.
PAKISTAN ELECTION: Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf has won a landslide victory in Saturday's presidential election, but the Supreme Court will now decide whether he can hold the office. Election Commission officials say General Musharraf won 252 of the 257 votes in parliament, and also won a majority of votes in provincial assemblies. He cannot be officially declared the winner until the Supreme Court rules on legal challenges to his eligibility to seek office while still army chief. The hearings on the issue will resume October 17th.
SRI LANKA UNREST: Sri Lanka's navy says it has sunk a ship suspected of smuggling arms for separatist Tamil Tiger rebels, killing at least 12 people. A navy spokesman (D. K. P. Dassanayake) said the 70-meter vessel was sunk Sunday morning, about 17 hundred kilometers off Sri Lanka's southern coast. The spokesman said there were no survivors. The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, who say they are fighting for an independent state for minority ethnic Tamils in Sri Lanka's north and east, were not available for comment.
World news in Lao.